Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples on the night before he was crucified. Epiphany has a long-held tradition of celebrating this special day beginning with a simple and communal Agápe supper.
Each food item is a seat at the table.
Bring the food item assigned to your seat.
If you are signing up for other people at your table, check the "display an alternative name" check box to add their name to the slot, or note them in the comments field.
Fish Option
Epiphany Chef Joel Fowler will be preparing the fish for us, but he needs to know how many to prepare. If you would like to have fish with your meal, please indicate so on the sign up. Type "YES" in the comment field.
The cost of the fish is $8 per serving, $28 max for families. You can pay for your fish at the Supper, mail or drop off a check at the church or prepay online through Realm using the button below.
NOTE: You do not have to have a Realm login to pay online. If you would like a Realm login, contact the parish office.

The deadline to order fish as past. However, you can still sign up for a spot at Table 12.
NOTE: You can toggle between the sign up table tabs once you are in Sign-up Genius.

The Agápe Menu
No recipes have come down to us from the time of Christ; however, knowing what raw materials were available to the Jews of Palestine in that period and what dishes were mentioned in the Bible, we have an idea of what Christians may have eaten at an Agápe (love) feast.
Different kinds of cheeses
Cucumbers with yogurt
Dried and fresh fruits (no citrus, as oranges and lemons were rare and very expensive)
Bread - flatbread, pita, or matzoth (or all three) might have been eaten
Wine for the adults (and grape juice for the children) and water would be the custom