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ALL SOULS - Names of the Faithful Departed

Join us for the All Souls' Choral Evensong Service at 5:00 p.m.—an evening service to remember and honor all whom we love but see no longer.  A reception in the courtyard will follow the service.


Names of the faithful departed will be listed in the All Souls' bulletin. If you would like the name of a loved one included, please fill out this form by Noon on Wednesday, November 1. Parishioners are invited to bring mementos and pictures of loved ones for the Table of Remembrance.


Names of the Faithful Departed

Since they will be named in worship, please provide a phonetic pronunciation if needed.

Please pray for the soul of
Fill out the form again to submit additional names
Thank you for your submission.

The deadline to submit names in this form has passed. Email or call the office to see if the bulletin has been printed yet.

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